terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

Summary of letter from Professor Adriano Morreira to Pope Francis

In a letter addressed to Pope Francisco, Prof. Adriano Moreira recalls one of the first United Nations Secretay-General, the swedish Dag Hammarskjold and his initiative to promote in ONU "a simple room for meditation - for all religions".
Adriano Moreira emphasizes that Al Kaeda' strategic concept includes religious values. The same symbolism was evident in the Paris massacre in 2015, and in the wars 'that exist as of this date in the 4 corners of the world (.).". These facts "clearly show that the western world is disoriented with the multiplication of conflicts that not fit the classic concepts of strategy".  He quotes  Malraux, in his prediction about the 21st century that "will be religious or will be not".
Suggestion: the author proposes the creation of a Council of  Religions, beside the Security Council, in ONU.
To Adriano Moreira the appeal for the Pope's intervention in this subject "enriches the Catholic Church in its role of Peace Indoctrination".

Translated by: Margarida Marques

Follows below the full version in Portuguese language

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